Sunday, February 14, 2010

Awesome experience

Last Sunday we were coming home from Church and I read a note that was attached to the girl's coloring picture. It said that they would be singing during the 9:30 service. I had no idea they even practiced or learned much in the 3 yr old nursery. I asked the girls what song they were going to sing and Rachel started saying and using hand motions to 'He's got the Whole World in His Hands'. Eric and I were completely blown away. Sarah joined in after the first verse.

My friend Lori, Early Childhood Coordinator, asked me if I was able to see the girls. She said they both sang the entire first song and did most of the second. At one point we saw Rachel turned around and we were not sure what she was doing, we assumed she was screwing around. Lori said she saw herself on the big screen and kept pointing to it.

I took the camera hoping to get a couple pictures but they didn't turn out very well. (I guess when you sit in the last row you can't really get good pictures, we usually watch the preacher on the 'big' screen)
Sarah- 'He's got the little baby, in his hands'

Rachel- 'This little light of mine'

Rachel far left Sarah second from the right (front row)